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    What size of ceramic roller is suitable?

    Release time:2018-11-28 17:40:41      Hit count:1072

    When users choose ceramic roller, what size is appropriate?

    Now there are more and more types of ceramic rollers on the market, and the sizes are different. Therefore, users should choose the ceramic roller according to the actual situation, in the choice of ceramic roller type, must consider the size of ceramic roller.

    This is due to the general situation, ceramic roller bearings can be installed space is limited. In many cases, the axle diameter will be limited by mechanical design or other design. Therefore, the type and size of ceramic roller bearing has a great relationship with the inner diameter of the ceramic roller. Therefore, the main size table of ceramic roller bearing is compiled according to the size of the international scale inner diameter.

    There are many dimensions of ceramic roller bearing, in the mechanical device design, it is best to use the appropriate size of ceramic roller bearing, ceramic roller bearing load, its nature, size and direction are not constant. Now basically in the ceramic roller above the size of the base load is rated. But axial load and radial load and so on, these factors are very important for the selection of suitable ceramic roller bearings. If the size of ball and needle ceramic roller bearings is corresponding, needle ceramic roller bearings generally have a high load capacity, and can withstand a relatively large vibration and impact load.

    Therefore, when we choose ceramic roller, we must choose the appropriate size of ceramic roller according to the actual situation.

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