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    Note for porcelain tube replacement operation

    Release time:2018-11-28 17:52:14      Hit count:1100

    Roller kiln often caused by various reasons porcelain pipe fracture, need to be replaced in time; The replacement of porcelain pipe is a kind of work with strong skills. If the technology is not up to standard, the continuous fracture of the porcelain pipe will often occur in the process of porcelain pipe replacement, resulting in a huge loss. Therefore, the following items should be paid special attention to when replacing the porcelain pipe.

    (1) porcelain tube replacement is best in the kiln or low temperature (below 800 degrees) condition, so as to ensure safety, foolproof, replacement of porcelain tube service life is long. Therefore, when the porcelain pipe is found to be broken, it can be converted to arrange low-temperature fired products for cooling down or stop arranging products for stopping the kiln to prepare for replacing the porcelain pipe. Of course, at this point in a broken porcelain tube can not exceed two, otherwise, it must be replaced urgently, or even immediately stop the kiln to do positive and negative treatment.

    (2) in the actual operation process, often due to a variety of reasons we can not immediately cool down or stop the kiln to replace the porcelain pipe, but the side of the normal firing, while replacing the broken porcelain pipe. At this time, we should first take out the new porcelain tube (with the same model as the broken porcelain tube), plug one end of the new porcelain tube with refractory cotton, the other end with a spring; Then take out a porcelain tube in the area of 400-500 degrees, and change the new porcelain tube to preheat for 20-30 minutes (one end of the plug refractory cotton is inserted into the transmission side), or install the porcelain tube of high-temperature area model in the area of 400-500 degrees in advance for replacement.

    (3) will have broken porcelain pipe out, at the same time with refractory cotton temporarily plug the brick hole, so as to avoid heat overflow and cold air into; The porcelain pipe on the transmission side shall be removed by removing the transmission gear, or pushed into the kiln (note that the broken porcelain pipe must fall below the horizontal level of the porcelain pipe and shall not hinder the operation of the kiln plate), and shall be cleaned after the kiln is stopped. Special attention should be paid to the porcelain tube removal process to be careful to prevent the porcelain tube due to sudden cold fracture scald personnel, especially pay attention not to let the broken porcelain tube from the top of the head of personnel.

    (4) the heat has been taken out of the new porcelain pipe, while rotating while slowly plug the end of the refractory cotton has been inserted into the broken porcelain pipe, must pay attention not to insert the speed is too fast, at the same time to keep rotating porcelain pipe.

    (5) for porcelain kiln wall tube plug out of the drive side don't mount drive gear, use refractory cotton first porcelain tube gap between simple plug plug, and continue to kept turning porcelain tube, wait for transmission on the side of the porcelain tube head cooled to a certain temperature before installation drive gear, and porcelain tube gently into steel bushing, so as to avoid the thermal contact porcelain tube steel bushing damaged due to rapid cooling. Note that the transmission gears must be aligned, level, and at the same distance from the adjacent front and rear transmission gears.

    (6) After the installation of the new porcelain tube, porcelain tube at both ends and the gap between kiln wall with refractory cotton plug, plug, especially pay attention to the porcelain tube below part and the gap between kiln wall with refractory cotton plug compaction. At the same time, one end of the porcelain tube which has not yet been plugged with refractory cotton is compacted with cotton plug. Finally, check whether the spring falls on the bearing, and write down the date and time of replacement, model number of porcelain tube and serial number of porcelain tube on one end of the porcelain tube with a marker.

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